Thursday, September 17, 2009

Subaru for each model will offer a variator

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The company plans to make accessible the given kind of transmission for all exhausted models within the next two years. The reason — high fuel efficiency CVT.

CVT transmission always was the rare visitor on cars of mark Subaru provided that speech did not go about compact models for home market of Japan. Here on similar cars the company has started to establish a variator in 1987 as experiment which and has not extended on larger cars of mark.
To rectify situation Subaru intends within two next years, writes the Japanese edition Nikkei Sangyo. Special value is thus given to fuel efficiency which is given to the car by modern variators. For example, fuel consumption for Subaru Legacy 2010 modelling years, equipped with the 2,5-litre gasoline engine and 6-step mechanical transmission, makes, 8,7 l/100 of km agree to the data of the manufacturer. The same car, but with a variator, consumes 7,6 l/of 100 km in the commixed cycle that does its by most economic of all Legacy.

Nikkei asserts that Subaru will offer a variator as accessible type of transmission for model everyone both in Japan, and behind its limits. Thus the company factory in Japanese Oidzumi becomes the basic industrial base for CVT.

Variator occurrence on model Exiga in the version for home market becomes one of the first steps in realisation of new project Subaru. In the near future Exiga will receive a variator and in California, and then there will be gradual introduction CVT in all lineup of mark in the largest world markets. Thus paramount value will be had by the markets of the United States and Japan where low fuel consumption can bring side benefits to owners of similar cars.

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